Tool bar
The toolbar contains the following buttons:
New – This clears the design pane of all of the controls, so that you can start a new design.
Load – This allows you to
load a VGL file. This will lay the controls on to the design pane as specified by the file.
Save – This saves the design to a VGL file.
Preview Mode – This puts the application into ‘preview mode’. In this mode, the design area will display a "mock-up" screen shot of the video generated by the hardware system. All of the controls and panes except for the Edit toolbar button will be locked. You will not be able to add to or edit your design.
Edit Mode– This button will only be enabled in the ‘preview mode’. It allows you to return to the ‘edit mode’. Once in the ‘edit mode’, all panes and controls (except for the Edit toolbar button) will be enabled. Once in ‘edit mode’, you can add or edit controls.
Move controls – These buttons can be used to move the control in the design pane that is currently selected.
Next/Previuos Control – These buttons can be used to select the next/previous control from the design pane
Properties – if a control is selected in the design pane, this will open the properties form for the control.
Undo – Revert to the previous state of design window
Refresh – Refreshes the design window