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AnalysisTechnical / CommandLineArguments

Command Line Options For The Analysis Program

There are several options available at the command line when running the analysis program. During normal use, there is rarely any need to use the command line options. However, they are included in here for reference. Note that any options that are specified at the command line override the default options that are set from the "default options file".


This option allows you to specify any files to be loaded at start up, this can contain a list of the following file types:

  • *.run
  • *.var
  • *.raf
  • *.lay
  • *.car
  • *.LAP

Each file name in the list must be separated by a comma, so for example:


Would load:

  • the vehicle options from c:\
  • the variable definitions from c:\data\andrew.var
  • the raw data file from d:\sample\

Note that the files are loaded and processed in the order they appear on the list, so to minimise processing time it is best to load the vehicle options and variable definition files BEFORE the run files, otherwise the data will be processed multiple times.

Note that you can also “group” run, car and sim files, to associate a car and/or sim file with a particular run. For example:

<f:c:\| c:\test.sim|d:\sample\,c:\| c:\test2.sim|d:\sample\>

In this example:

  • will be loaded and and test.sim will be associated with it and used for processing
  • will be loaded and and test2.sim will be associated with it and used for processing

These options are useful for comparing runs from different cars.


This option allows you to specify a file to export to automatically.

The type of file that is exported is set by the extension of the file name that is given and can be either

  • ".csv", for an ASCii format comma separated file
  • ".m", for a ASCii format Matlab file
  • ".mat", for a binary format Matlab file

If an export file is specified at command line then you must also specify a file to load, for example:

  • analysis.exe <> <e:test.csv>

This is automatically load and process "", process it and then generate "test.csv" then automatically quit the program.


This option allows you to set export parameters, each of the parameters need to separated by a “/” and are in the format:

<EP: start time / end time / sample time / list separator>

For example:

  • <EP:0/10/0.1/,>
    Would export data from time of 0 seconds a to time of 10 seconds, with a sample time of .01 seconds and a comma would be used to separate numbers.
    If you do not want to specify a parameter then it can be omitted, for example:
  • <EP://0.1/>
Simply set the sample time to be 0.1 seconds, the start and end times are not specified so the whole run will be exported with the default list separator.


This option allows you to export the data from the forms displayed on the first tab of the analysis screen automatically. For example if the specified layout has a lap and sectors table on it, then this option will export the lap and sector times. Note that the information is saved in a file that uses the same separator that is set in the options for the csv data export.

For example:

Analysis.exe <f: d:\sample\, d:\sample.lay, D:\SILVERSTONE.LAP> <ef:\output.csv>

The system will:

  • load the data, the specified layout and the lap marker file
  • update everything on the screen
  • export all the information displayed on the first tab of the analysis screen to output.csv
  • the program will then automatically shut down
  • the output.csv can then be loaded into excel if required
Page last modified on January 04, 2019, at 12:55 PM