RT_RTK_Status RTK differential position status
RT_RTK_Status: 140, 34 (0x8C2220 + unit id) (0x322)
Byte 0: RTK status
Byte 1: Time since last correction [s]
Byte 2: Number of GPS satellites used
Byte 3: Number of GLONASS satellites used
Byte 4: Number of Galileo satellites used
Byte 5: Number of Beidou satellites used
Byte 6:
Byte 7:
RTK status codes:
0: No lock
1: Standalone (autonomous) solution
2: Solution corrected with WAAS/SBAS
3: Code differential (DGPS) solution
4: Phase differential (RTK) solution with float ambiguities
5: Phase differential (RTK) solution with integer ambiguities
NOTE: This message provides the status of RTK differential positioning, as provided by the GPS2. For the status of moving-base RTK attitude, as provided by the SPEEDBOX-RTK, please see the RT_GPS_Status CAN message.