CANDataFormat / GPSMessages
GPS messages (group 140)
- RT_GPS_Status Firmware version and GPS status information (140,0)
- RT_GPS_Time GPS time of week' (140,1)
- RT_GPS_Pos_LLH GPS accuracy and latitude (140,2)
- RT_GPS_Pos_LLH_2 GPS accuracy and latitude (140,3)
- RT_GPS_Pos_ECEF GPS XYZ accuracy and X position' (140,4)
- RT_GPS_Pos_ECEF_2 GPS Y and Z position (140,5)
- RT_GPS_Speed GPS 2D and 3D speed (140,16)
- RT_GPS_Vel_NED_1 GPS North and East velocity (140,17)
- RT_GPS_Vel_NED_2 GPS Down velocity (140,18)
- RT_GPS_Vel_ECEF_1 X,Y,Z accuracy and X velocity (140,19)
- RT_GPS_Vel_ECEF_2 Y and Z velocity (140,20)
- RT_GPS_Heading_Gradient1 Heading and gradient 1 (140,21)
- RT_GPS_Heading_Gradient2 Heading and gradient 2 (140,22)
- RT_GPS_Turn_Radius (140,23)
- RT_RTK_Attitude Roll, pitch, yaw and accuracy (140,32)
- RT_RTK_Slip RTK baseline, slip and squat (140,33)
- RT_RTK_Status (140,34)
- RT_GPS_RTK_Sats (140,35)
- GPS_RTK_Sats_RTCM (140,36)
- RT_GPS_Mcycle_Lean Motorcycle lean angle (140,48)