CAN configuration
These sections gives information on how to configure the CAN input on the DL1 MK3/CLUB and DL1 PRO data loggers. It is split up in to four sections which go through the mapping of the raw CAN data, selecting which message channel the data is sent to, loading and saving the CAN configurations, and using .DBC files.
The first section deals with the details of the CAN interface itself, this involves setting up the correct CAN addresses as well as where in the CAN data the relevant bytes are and how any basic scaling is performed on the data.
Configure all of the outputs messages for transmission on the CAN bus.
When the raw CAN data has been decoded it must be mapped to a channel, such as a temperature, pressure, or voltage channel.
CAN configuration files can be loaded and saved independently of the main DL1 MK3/CLUB or DL1 PRO configuration data, they can also be encrypted to keep the main CAN configuration confidential if required.
If a .DBC file is available this can be used to populate the CAN mapping information, so it doesn’t have to be handled manually.