Requirements for ECU interface data
In order to enable us to produce an ECU interface which will receive the serial data stream and re-transmit it for use with either a data logger or dashboard we need the following information as a minimum:
ECU interface specification
A detailed description of the data stream including checksums, marker bytes, standard data length, baud rate, etc. This is the basic data we require to enable us to decode the incoming stream.
Sample data stream
A sample of the ECU data, collected with the engine running. Ideally with the car actually being driven. As a minimum there should be some transient data on there such as increase / decrease in RPM. A minutes worth of data would be sufficient.
Other information
It is useful if data can be provided with regard to the engine operating conditions when the test data was recorded. This will enable us to confirm that the decoded rpm/temperature/pressure data etc is all correct.
How to log data using hyperterminal
The Hyperterminal program can usually be found in the directory Programs/accessories/communiciations/hyperterminal.
After starting the program you will be asked to enter a name for the new connection. Enter a name and click OK.
The next screen will ask how you would like to connect. This will be through one of the serial ports, probably COM1 or COM2. After selecting the port click on OK.
The baud rate settings which need setting up next will depend on the ECU you are using. You will need to consult the documentation for this. After the Bits per second has been set, the remaining settings will most likely be:
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow control: None
After setting up this the main window should open showing connected in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
To store the data from the ECU, select Tranfer/Capture text and then set the file name you wish to store the data in. Click on Start to start the logging.
To end the data logging select Transfer/Capture text/stop.