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RTAnalysisVariableDescriptions / ExternalInputs

External Inputs

analog n [V] ( n = 1..32)

Analogue inputs 1 to 32 (normally connected to sensors - as available from Race Technology)

beacon [-]

The optical or magnetic lap beacon input - not normally required

frequency n [Hz] ( n = 1..4 )

Frequency input 1 to 4 (normally a wheel or shaft speed)

Freq n pulse pos [ms] ( n = 1..4 )

The position of the last falling edge of the pulse on frequency n

Freq n low time [ms] ( n = 1..4 )

The time that the input was frequency n was last low for

Freq n high time [ms] ( n = 1..4 )

The time that the input was frequency n was last high for

Pulse n [-] ( n = 1..4 )

This is the number of pulses in frequency input n

serial bytes

Number of bytes from the serial port

RPM [rpm]

The engine rotational speed


Page last modified on November 29, 2018, at 06:32 AM