New Sector time
Channel Number | 4 |
Total Length | 12 bytes |
Channel | Data1 | Data2 | Data3 | Data4 | Data5 | Data6 | Data7 | Data8 | Data9 | Data10 | Checksum |
Matched Marker = Data1 Range 0-9
Time at marker [ms] = Data2 + Data3 x 2^8 + Data4 x 2^16 + Data5 x 2^24
Matched sector number = Data6. Top four bits are the marker at start of sector, bottom four bits are marker at end of sector
Sector time [ms] = Data7 + Data8 x 2^8 + Data9 x 2^16 + Data10 x 2^24
This is the main lap timing message which is sent out whenever a lap marker is crossed. It gives information on the marker which has been crossed as well as the make up of the sector which has just been completed.
The Time at marker counts up from the start of the run and is the time at the marker.
Sector time is the time taken for the sector which has just been completed.
Marker numbers start at 0 for the lap marker, so the time at marker 0 can be used for lap timing calculation. The last lap time is the time at marker 0 – last time at marker 0.