Configuring Shift Lights
There are two set of shift lights on the DASH4PRO FD, left and right. Each side can be set up independently. Alternatively, the right hand lights can be set to be the same as the left by ticking the box Match the left lights at the top of the Right configuration tab.
There are two levels of settings for the shift lights, Standard and Advanced.
In the standard configuration, the lights are lit based on the RPM input to the DASH4PRO FD. Values are set in the table for each light. When the set value is reached the light is lit. There are seven settings, one for each of the 6 LEDs and one for them all flashing.
For the advanced configuration there are three further subdivisions, each of these will be dealt with separately.
As shiftlights:
This can be set to work in exactly the same way as the standard configuration but also has some available options.
As a performance indicator:
- Bargraph
- 1st led lit when absolute value of time slip rate > 0.0%, and 2nd
>3.0%, and 3rd
>6.0%, and 4th
>9.0%, and 5th
>12.0%, and 6th
- Sign of time slip rate determines colour of lit leds :
- positive slower than previous best red
- negative faster than previous best green
- Centre out
- 3rd ( from the bottom ) led lit red when time slip rate value >0%<7.5%
- 3rd and 2nd leds lit red
- 3rd, 2nd and 1st leds lit red
- 4th led lit green
- 4th and 5th leds lit green
- 4th, 5th and 6th leds lit green
Set shift lights by gear:
When ticked this enables different RPM to be set for each gear, so for example the lights could come on earlier in lower gears to give the driver more time to react.
Have alternative low temperature on a variable:
When selected a complete second set of settings is available to set a lower shift point if required when a set condition is met. This would typically be set based on a water temperature channel to limit the RPM at low engine speeds.
Two further options are available to flash the shift lights to show that a sector or a lap have ended by ticking the appropriate boxes.
Shift light style:
There are five different options for the shift light style with the lights coming on in 3, 4, or 7 stages. 7 and 3 stage illuminate from bottom to top, the 4 stage settings operate either from the middle outwards or the outside inwards, depending on the description.