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LoadingAndSaving / DefaultSimulationOptions

Loading And Saving Default Simulation Options


To load a previously saved Simulation Options file (.SIM), go to File > Advanced load/saves > Load default simulation options.

This will open up a file selection dialog:

Select the file you want to load by left clicking on the file and click on "Open" to load the simulation options settings saved in that file to the analysis program.


To save current simulation options settings to a .SIM file, go to File > Advanced load/saves > Save default simulation options.

This will open up a save file dialog:

You can either save simulation options to a new file by selecting a directory, entering a file name and clicking on "Save",

or you can overwrite an existing file by browsing to that file, left clicking on it, clicking on "Save" and clicking "Yes" in the overwrite confirmation pop-up dialog.

Page last modified on January 09, 2019, at 12:40 PM