1. File Types
There are several different file types used with the analysis software.
1.1 .RUN - Run File
Whatever the hardware and vehicle type, all the logged data is stored as a .RUN file. This file houses just the raw, unprocessed data. When you download the data from the Compact Flash card, it will be in .RUN format. The software doesn't differentiate between a raw data file and data downloaded directly from the hardware. Internally they are handled in exactly the same way. Several raw data files can be loaded into the software at any one time and compared.
1.2 .RAF - Run Analysis File
The .RAF file is a new file for Version 6. It has been introduced to replace the processed version of the .RUN file, as this was causing confusion. Now it is ONLY raw data in the .RUN files.
Processed run data files are saved by going to > File > Save All and saves practically everything about the current contents of the analysis program, including:
- The raw data for all the runs currently loaded.
- The ambient conditions.
- The car files that were set in the run manager.
- The user's comments about the runs entered in the run manager.
- The processed data for all the runs currently loaded.
- Which variables are currently available in the analysis.
- Setup and configuration of the track map window.
- Any track markers that have been added.
- Any track measurements that have been done.
- Any graphs and bar charts that are open.
Only one processed run file can be loaded at any one time. If you try and load a processed run file, you will be warned that all the current data in analysis will be overwritten.
1.3 .CAR - Vehicle Data File
You can set up the software so that it analyses the data with a higher degree of accuracy when you have entered information specific to your vehicle on it. The data you can input about the vehicle and more information is located here. They are in ASCII format, so they can be viewed and edited by the user if required. However, the format is very strict, so care should be taken.
1.4 .LAY - Software Layout Settings File
This file saves the way the windows are currently set out. It will also save the settings for the windows, so if you have several different graphs set up, they will be saved within this file. The file will also save the different layer settings, so if you have renamed them, they will be labelled exactly the same when you next load the layout.
1.5 .VAR - Variable Information File
Any custom variables you have set up through the Variable Manager will be saved to a file of this type for later use.
1.6 .LAP - Lap And Track Marker File
If you have done several runs at one race course, then once you've set up the Lap and Track Markers to your specifications, you can save them for later use, i.e. if you return to the track at a later date, then you can import the track markers so you can compare runs from different times.
1.7 .DGPS - Differential GPS Data File
-to be done later-
1.8 .CFG - Configuration Files
These files are system files and the analysis programme requires read and write access to them at all times. They are in ASCii format, so they can be viewed and edited by the user if required. However, the format is very strict, so care should be taken.
1.9 .VGL - Video Graphics Overlay Files
This file type houses the configuration on where the video graphics overlay is placed, and how it works, when you are generating a video output. These files are written in script form, more information can be found here.
1.10 .CSV - Comma Separated Variable File
This is literally what it is called, a file which houses variable information, each variable is separated by a comma. The files are used to export data to programs like Microsoft Excel. For more information on exporting data, click here.
1.11 .M / .MAT - Matlab Files
Similar to the .CSV files, the .M and .MAT files are used for exporting the data to Matlab for mathematical analysis. For further information on exporting data, click here.