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RTLIVEV2-MotorsportAndIndustrial / ConnectingToOtherEquipment

Connecting to other equipment

The RT LIVE v2 unit features an serial data port that allows it to be connected to almost any combination of other RT systems. Common configurations include, but are not limited to:

  • Connect to an ECU with one of our ECU adapters, in this case as well as the RT LIVE v2’s own data, the user will be able to remotely monitor the ECU data output
  • Connect to a DASHx, in this case the RT LIVE v2 will be able to transmit and data going into the DASHx product, and the DASHx will be able to display lap times calculated by the RT LIVE v2 unit, and in the case of the DASH4PRO, this can be used to display messages sent from the RT cloud web interface Information about connecting the RT LIVE v2 unit with various other hardware systems is shown here.

With DL1

With DASHx

With DL1 and DASH

With DL1 and DASH and ECU

With AiM and DASH4 PRO

Page last modified on June 06, 2023, at 01:55 PM