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RunProcessor / RunFileProcessingOptions

Run file processing options

Following are the run file processing options available with the Run Processor:

Post processing data from the SPEEDBOX range of products
Generating readable text files which contains all hardware messages of selected run files
  • Splitting RUN files
  • Batch processing to extract lap times and summary statistics

Raw data

Use this option to convert binary run file to a table of ASCII text values.

The amount of data read from the .RUN file per second is depend on the "Sample frequency".

  • For example, if 10Hz is selected, the CSV file will have data at 0.1s intervals.
  • The higher the frequency the larger the resulting CSV file.

DBC processed CAN data (text with time stamps)

Output file will contain list of DBC Processed CAN data messages with following information for each message.

  • Time stamp
  • CAN port no
  • CAN message name
  • Signal name
  • Decoded value

Please note that the relevant DBC file(s) must be loaded to decode the run files correctly.

Raw CAN data (text with time stamps)

Output file will contain list of raw CAN data messages with the following fields for each message:

  • Time stamp
  • CAN port no - from which port the constructed CAN message outputted
  • Type (11 bit or 29 bit)
  • CAN address
  • Number of bytes in the can message
  • Received CAN bytes in hex format

Embedded raw GPS data

The GPS binary file will contain all the data that is output from the GPS module including and processed positional/velocity messages as well as the raw ranging data etc. This information is only available from Mk2 DL1 (with the black connector) or DL2s. This file is binary and only normally required for specialist applications.

Embedded serial data (binary)

This file format will contain all the data that was logged by the DL1 or DL2 assuming that it was configured to not expect RT format data. If the DL1 or DL2 was configured to expect standard RT on it's serial port then this file will be empty (0 bytes).

Embedded serial data (text with time stamps)

Output file will contain a list of serial data input messages with following fields:

  • Time stamp - raw serial data packet received time
  • Raw serial data in hex
  • Raw serial data as a string

Performance results

This mode is for post processing data from the SPEEDBOX range of products.

Before data can be processed, the required tests must be configured, to do this click on the "Configure" button.

To get the maximum accuracy from the performance calculations the input data sample rates must be set up correctly. The data that the system requires configuration for is:

  • NED velocity - this is the key message which calculations are based
  • Accelerations - this is used for the calculation of some results, and also in the logic for determining when the vehicle pulled away from a halt
  • GPS positional accuracy - this is used to know when the GPS data is reliable and accurate
  • Hardware triggers - For detecting button presses or laser trigger events, only required if triggering on these inputs
  • Analogue inputs - For triggering on analogue voltages, only required if triggering the test based on voltage

Recommended samples rates are:

For the SPEEDBOX, running in GPS only mode:

  • NED velocity - 20Hz
  • Accelerations - 200Hz
  • GPS positional accuracy - 20Hz
  • Hardware triggers - Anything except disabled
  • Analogue inputs - 200Hz

For the SPEEDBOX, running in GPS and accelerometer mode:

  • NED velocity - 200Hz
  • Accelerations - 200Hz
  • GPS positional accuracy - 20Hz
  • Hardware triggers - Anything except disabled
  • Analogue inputs - 200Hz


  • NED velocity - 200Hz
  • Accelerations - 200Hz
  • GPS positional accuracy - 20Hz
  • Hardware triggers - Anything except disabled
  • Analogue inputs - 200Hz

There is no issue with having other channels enabled as well, for example when using an INS system it might be also desirable for be logging vehicle pitch, but these are the channels are are essential for the performance calculations.

Text analysis of data file (for debugging only)

All hardware messages in the selected run file will be outputted to a readable text format with following information:

  • Hardware Message number (for list of hardware messages see here
  • Length of the message in bytes
  • Message data in hex format
  • Number of returned channels (variables) in the message

Then it lists the channels (variables) embedded in the message with following information.

  • Variable reference number
  • Channel (variable) name
  • Variable value
  • Variable value after the unit conversion

Extract RUN files from RT EV4 files

Use this option to extract and save the run data embedded in RT EV4 video files to a run data file (.RUN)

Convert RT EV4 files to MP4 format

Use this option to extract and save the video data embedded in RT EV4 video file to a MP4 format file.

Page last modified on November 29, 2024, at 08:36 AM