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VariableDescriptions / Simulated


SIM long accel [g]

Simulated longitudinal acceleration

SIM lat accel [g]

Simulated lateral acceleration

SIM vector accel [g]

Simulated vector acceleration

SIM RPM [rpm]

Simulated RPM

SIM speed [kph]

Simulated speed

SIM power output [kW]

Simulated power output

SIM torque output [N.m]

Simulated torque output

SIM gear [-]

Simulated gear

SIM time slip [s]

Simulated time slip

SIM time slip rate [%]

Simulated rate of time slip

SIM time [s]

Simulated time

SIM corner speed [kph]

Simulated maximum corner speed; this is based on the current corner radius and maximum lateral g-force only.

SIM distance [km]

Simulated distance

Page last modified on July 09, 2021, at 10:40 AM