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ECUType / MegasquirtCANInterface

MegaSquirt CAN interface

Supported ECUs

  • Microsquirt
  • MS2
  • MS3
  • MS3 Pro

Connecting Hardware

The Megasquirt ECUs are supplied with a preassembled wiring harness with flyleads attached ready for connection into the vehicle. The CAN connections can be found among these.

For wire colours and diagrams, please consult the Megasquirt user manual.

  • Connect RT CAN Hi to CAN Hi from the MS ECU
  • Connect RT CAN Lo to CAN Lo from the MS ECU

Note: For DIY ECUs, ensure that you have installed the internal CAN jumper wires.

CAN broadcasting is supported in MS2/Extra 3.4 and MS3 1.4 firmware upwards only. Free upgrades are available from .

ECU Configuration

The MS ECUs need to be configured to output CAN data. Please follow the steps below to ensure the correct settings have been made on your Megasquirt ECU.

Ensure that the latest version of TunerStudio has been downloaded and installed on your computer. This can be found by following the link below:

Upon loading the software, connect to the ECU and ensure the ECU is “Online”. The following screen should be shown.

  • Click the “CANbus/Test Modes” option at the top right of the screen and click “CAN Parameters”

Ensure that “Master Enable” is set to “Enable”, If this isn’t the case, open the drop down list and select Enable followed by “Burn”. This will ensure the change is made in the ECU.

  • Close CAN Parameters window and click on “CANbus/Test Modes” once more, this time clicking “Dash Broadcasting”

Ensure that the Enable is set to On and Configuration is set to automatic. Again once the changes have been made click “Burn”.

Channels Received

When connected to the ECU and receiving data, the following channels should be received.

ECU Name Race Technology Message Race Technology Default Name Race Technology VAR Number Resolution
Engine RPM Engine RPM RPM VAR_0010 1RPM
Manifold Air Pressure Pressure 5 Boost Pressure VAR_3504 1kPa
Coolant Temperature Temperature 8 Water Temperature VAR_1007 1F
Throttle Position Aux 1 Throttle Position VAR_2000 1%
Main Pulsewidth Bank 1 Aux 6 Fuel Inj 1 PW VAR_2005 1ms
Final Ignition Spark Advance Aux 26 Auxiliary 1 VAR_2025 1deg
Manifold Air Temperature Temperature 4 Inlet Post Turbo 1 VAR_1003 1F
AFR Cyl #1 Misc 1 Lambda 1 VAR_4000 AFR
Battery Voltage Misc 3 Battery Voltage VAR_4002 0.1v
Vehicle Speed 1 Misc 4 Speed from ECU VAR_4003 1m/s
Main Pulsewidth Bank 2 Aux 7 Fuel Inj 2 PW VAR_2006 1ms
Sequential Pulsewidth for Cyl #1 Aux 8 Fuel Inj 3 PW VAR_2007 1ms
EGO Correction Cyl #1 Aux 27 Auxiliary 2 VAR_2026 1%
Generic Sensor Input 1 Aux 2 Lambda 1 Short Trim VAR_2001 0.1
Exhaust Gas Temperature 1 Temperature 17 Exhaust 1 Temp VAR_1016 1F

Note: Vehicle Speed and Exhaust Gas Temperature are only available when connected to a Megasquirt MS3. When Connected to a Microsquirt or MS2 these channels will output but display 0.

Note - Not all channels listed in the table(s) above may be available from your ECU. This can be dependent on the vehicle model & year of manufacture.

Page last modified on January 29, 2020, at 10:07 AM