These are the sub channels within the data channels which come from the ECU modules
Module type (71)
designates which modules are present, output at the start of each set of data from the module
data format is:
one byte channel number (decimal 71)
one byte module type
one byte checksum
Module numbers
Motec_M4_Type_Number 1 Motec M4 ECU
MBE_941_Type_Number 2 MBE 941
IMU06_Type_Number 3 IMU06 6DOF sensor
CAN_Type_Number 4 CAN-Serial interface module
Temperature channel data (72)
All data is in degrees C, 0.1 degrees per bit
data format is:
One byte channel number (decimal 72)
One byte source location
Two byte data, LSB first (twos complement)
One byte checksum
data source locations
Ambient_Air_Temperature 1
Inlet_Pre_Turbo_Temp_1 2
Inlet_Pre_Turbo_Temp_2 3
Inlet_Post_Turbo_Temp_1 4
Inlet_Post_Turbo_Temp_2 5
Inlet_Post_Intercooler_Temp_1 6
Inlet_Post_Intercooler_Temp_2 7
Water_Temp 8
Oil_Temp 9
Gearbox_Temp 10
Gearbox_Temp_Post_Cooler 11
Tyre_Temp_1 12
Tyre_Temp_2 13
Tyre_Temp_3 14
Tyre_Temp_4 15
ECU_Temperature 16
Exhaust_Temp_1 17
Exhaust_Temp_2 18
Exhaust_Temp_3 19
Exhaust_Temp_4 20
Exhaust_Temp_5 21
Exhaust_Temp_6 22
Exhaust_Temp_7 23
Exhaust_Temp_8 24
Auxiliary_Temp_1 25
Frequency channel data (73)
All data is in Hz 0.1Hz per bit
One byte channel number (decimal 73)
One byte source location
Two byte data, LSB first
One byte checksum
data source locations
Frequency_RPM (this is a dummy channel and data is mapped to the RPM message) 1
Frequency_EGR 2
Frequency_ISBV 3
Nitrous_Solenoid_Freq 4
Percentage channel data (74)
All data in percent, 0.1% per bit
One byte channel number (Decimal 74)
One byte source location
Two byte data, LSB first
One byte checksum
data source locations
Throttle_Position_Percent 1
Lambda_1_Short_Term_Trim_Percent 2
Lambda_2_Short_Term_Trim_Percent 3
Lambda_1_Long_Term_Trim_Percent 4
Lambda_2_Long_Term_Trim_Percent 5
Fuel_Inj_1_Pulse_Width_Percent 6
Fuel_Inj_2_Pulse_Width_Percent 7
Fuel_Inj_3_Pulse_Width_Percent 8
Fuel_Inj_4_Pulse_Width_Percent 9
Fuel_Inj_5_Pulse_Width_Percent 10
Fuel_Inj_6_Pulse_Width_Percent 11
Fuel_Inj_7_Pulse_Width_Percent 12
Fuel_Inj_8_Pulse_Width_Percent 13
Fuel_Inj_1_Cut_Level_Percent 14
Fuel_Inj_2_Cut_Level_Percent 15
Fuel_Inj_3_Cut_Level_Percent 16
Fuel_Inj_4_Cut_Level_Percent 17
Fuel_Inj_5_Cut_Level_Percent 18
Fuel_Inj_6_Cut_Level_Percent 19
Fuel_Inj_7_Cut_Level_Percent 20
Fuel_Inj_8_Cut_Level_Percent 21
Ignition_Cut_Level_Percent 22
ISBV_1_Open_Percent 23
ISBV_2_Open_Percent 24
Nitrous_Percent 25
Auxiliary_1_Percent 26
Auxiliary_2_Percent 27
Auxiliary_3_Percent 28
Auxiliary_4_Percent 29
Fuel_Aux_Temp_Comp_Percent 30
Fuel_Aux_Volt_Comp_Percent 31
Time channel data (75)
All data in S, scaling in second byte
One byte channel number (Decimal 75)
One byte source location
One byte time scale (multiply given value by 10^this byte)
Two byte data, LSB first
One byte checksum
data source locations
Injector_1_On_Time 1
Injector_2_On_Time 2
Injector_3_On_Time 3
Injector_4_On_Time 4
Injector_5_On_Time 5
Injector_6_On_Time 6
Injector_7_On_Time 7
Injector_8_On_Time 8
Coil_1_Charge_Time 9
Coil_2_Charge_Time 10
Coil_3_Charge_Time 11
Coil_4_Charge_Time 12
Angle channel data (93)
All data in degrees/10
One byte channel number (Decimal 93)
One byte source location
Two byte data, LSB first
One byte checksum
data source locations
Throttle_Angle 1
Ignition_Angle 2
Steering_Angle 3
Pressure channel data (94)
All data in mBar
One byte channel number (Decimal 94)
One byte source location
One byte time scale (multiply given value by 10^this byte)
Two byte data, LSB first
One byte checksum
data source locations
Ambient_Air_Pressure 1
Oil_Pressure 2
Fuel_Pressure 3
Water_Pressure 4
Boost_Pressure 5
Miscellaneous data (95)
One byte channel number (Decimal 95)
One byte source location
Two byte data, LSB first
One byte checksum
Lambda_1 1 multiples of 0.01
Lambda_2 2 multiples of 0.01
Battery_Voltage 3 multiples of 0.01v
Speed(ECU) 4 NOTE: this is a "dummy channel" and is mapped to the normal SPEED message DO NOT USE
Distance(ECU) 5 NOTE: this is a "dummy channel" and is mapped to the normal DISTANCE message DO NOT USE