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InstallingConfiguringAndCalibrating / CalibratingTheIMU06

Calibrating the IMU06

The IMU06 can be calibrated to reduce the zero errors on the three axis gyro output. During the calibration procedure it is important that the unit remains staionary. The orientation of the unit is not important, since the accelerometers are not being calibrated.

The standard IMU06 unit has a calibration button positioned on the top of the unit. The button is small and is positioned flush with the main case to avoid unintended calibration during use. The button will require a pointed object to depress it.

The IP67 IMU06 unit requires an external switch to be connected for calibration. The switch must be connected between pin 1 and pin 5 of the d-type connector.

Calibration is achieved using the following procedure:

  1. Connect a momentary operation push button switch between pin 1 of the connector and pin 5. This switch is required to carry out the calibrations.
  2. Press and hold the calibrate button as power is applied to the IMU06. The power and status lights will illuminate.
  3. After 3-4 seconds the status light will go out, when this happens release the calibrate button. The status light will then slowly flash twice and stay on.
  4. Whilst the status LED is on the calibration process is being carried out, do not move the unit. The calibration will take around 15-20 seconds
  5. When the calibration is complete the status light will start flashing. Operation will now resume as normal.

Note that this calibration is not essential and in many cases it is not required - this additional calibration procedure reduces to error from about 0.1 to 0.2 degrees per second (typical) to very close to zero. This improvement in calibration then will drift off over the period of a few hours to a day, and end up at the more typical 0.1 to 0.2 degrees per second.

Page last modified on May 20, 2009, at 11:39 AM