Serial Variables
Ambient air [C]
Temperature of the ambient air
Inlet pre turbo 1 [C]
Temperature of the air entering turbocharger 1
Inlet pre turbo 2 [C]
Temperature of the air entering turbocharger 2
Inlet post turbo 1 [C]
Temperature of the air exiting turbocharger 1
Inlet post turbo 2 [C]
Temperature of the air exiting turbocharger 2
Inlet post intercooler 1 [C]
Temperature of the air exiting intercooler 1
Inlet post intercooler 2 [C]
Temperature of the air exiting intercooler 2
Water temp [C]
Temperature of the engine coolant
Oil temp [C]
Temperature of the engine oil
Gearbox temp [C]
Temperature of the gearbox oil
Gearbox post cooler [C]
Temperature of the gearbox oil exiting the cooler
Tyre 1 [C]
Temperature of tyre 1
Tyre 2 [C]
Temperature of tyre 2
Tyre 3 [C]
Temperature of tyre 3
Tyre 4 [C]
Temperature of tyre 4
ECU temp [C]
Temperature of the ECU
Exhaust n temp [C] ( n = 1..8 )
Temperature of the exhaust gas from cylinder n
Aux 1 [C]
Auxiliary temperature
Engine speed (ECU) [Hz]
Engine speed from the ECU - note that this is a dummy channel and is actually mapped to the normal RPM channel
EGR freq [Hz]
frequency that the exhaust gas recirculating valve is operating
ISBV freq [Hz]
Frequency that the idle speed bypass valve is operating
Nitrous solenoid freq [Hz]
Frequency that the NOS flow control valve is operating
Throttle position [%]
Percentage that the throttle is open
Lambda 1 short trim [%]
Short term trim of lambda probe 1
Lambda 2 short trim [%]
Short term trim of lambda probe 2
Lambda 1 long trim [%]
Long term trim of lambda probe 1
Lambda 2 long trim [%]
Long term trim of lambda probe 2
Fuel inj n PW [%] ( n = 1..8 )
Percentage of the time that fuel injector n is open
Fuel inj n cut [%] ( n = 1..8 )
Percentage of the time that fuel injector n is cut
Ignition cut [%]
Percentage of the time that the ignition is cut
ISBV 1 open [%]
Percentage of the time the idle valve 1 is open
ISBV 2 open [%]
Percentage of the time the idle valve 2 is open
Nitrous [%]
Percentage of the time the NOS flow control valve is open
Auxiliary n
Percentage auxiliary input n [%]
Fuel aux temp comp [%]
Percentage auxilary temperature compensation
Fuel aux volt comp [%]
Percentage auxiliary voltage compensation
Fuel inj n PW on [s] ( ‘’n’’ = 1..8 )
Time of the injection pulse for injector n
Coil n PW [s] ( ‘’n’’ = 1..4 )
Dwell charge time for ignition coil n
Throttle angle [degs]
The angle that the thottle is open
Ignition angle [degs]
The angle that the ignition fires
Steering angle [degs]
The angle of the steering
Ambient air pressure [bar]
Pressure of the ambient air
Oil pressure [bar]
Pressure of the engine oil
Fuel pressure [bar]
Pressure of the fuel
Water pressure [bar]
Pressure of the coolant
Boost pressure [bar]
Pressure in the intake system
Lambda 1 [-]
Excess air ratio 1
Lambda 2 [-]
Excess air ratio 2
Battery voltage [V]
Voltage of the battery
Speed from the ECU [-]
Speed from the ECU - note that this is a dummy channel and is mapped to GPS speed
Distance from the ECU [-]
Distance from the ECU - note that this is a dummy channel and is mapped to GPS distance