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ECUType / ElectromotiveTecSECU

Electromotive Tec S ECU


  • TEC S


This ECU should be connected via CAN connections. The CAN bus must be enabled in the ECU mapping software. All TEC GT ECUs sold since around 2005 are compatible with the following CAN setup:


This ECU should be connected via CAN connections:

As the CAN Warning in the above image states, the CAN 'Y' Cable must be used. This cable is supplied by ECU manufacturer. If you do not have this cable, please purchase it from Electromotive before continuing.

Race Technology are able to supply a CAN connection cable upon request. This connects the Race Technology CAN connector to the Electromotive CAN Y Cable. The CAN connections are located in the DB9 on the rear of the TEC GT ECU. The pinouts for the DB9 connector are below:

  • CAN High - Pin 1
  • CAN Low - Pin 4

Data Channel Listing

ECU Message Name Race Technology Data Channel Resolution of Data
RPM RPM (Engine RPM) 1 RPM
Boost Pressure Boost pressure (pressure 5) 0.1 kPa
Throttle Position Throttle position (aux 1) 0.0196 (0-5)
Water Temp Water temp (temperature 8) 0.75 oC
Inlet Post Turbo Inlet post turbo 1 (temperature 4) 0.75 oC
Battery Voltage Battery voltage (misc 3) 0.078 V
Ignition Angle Ignition angle (angle 2) 0.23 o
Primary Pulse Width Fuel inj 1 PW on (measured time 1) 1 ms
Lambda Short Trim Lambda 1 short trim (aux 2) 0.1 %
Staged Pulse Width Fuel inj 2 PW on (measured time 2) 1 ms
EGO Auxiliary 1 (aux 26) 0.0196%

Not all channels listed in the table above may be available from your ECU. The available data channels vary with the vehicle model, year of manufacture & connected sensors.

Page last modified on October 08, 2020, at 12:56 PM