heading [degs]
the vehicle's current heading
GPS altitude [m]
The altitude as measured by GPS
GPS lat accel [g]
the lateral acceleration as measured by the GPS
GPS long [degs]
longitude directly from the GPS receiver with no processing
GPS heading [degs]
the heading as measured by the GPS
GPS gradient [degs]
the current gradient as measured by the GPS
GPS time [s]
The time of the week as reported by the GPS
GPS pos acc [-]
the estimated accuracy of the GPS positional data
GPS vel acc [-]
the estimated accuracy of the GPS speed data
GPS sats [-]
the number of satelites that the GPS receiver is currently tracking
GPS vel raw [mph]
Velocity directly from the GPS receiver with no processing
GPS long [degs]
longitude directly from the GPS receiver with no processing
GPS lat [degs]
latitude directly from the GPS receiver with no processing
INS status
INS convergence