General format of the textual output
In addition to outputting continuous binary data over serial and CAN, the SPEEDBOX also outputs a human-readable textual summary of any tests performed over the serial connection, which can be used to either immediately review test results on an attached Race Technology DASH, or to review tests later if stored by an attached data logger. When stored by a data logger, the textual output for all tests will be written to a text file with an .SB extension. In addition, the text strings will be embedded in the saved binary .RUN file from which they may be extracted if required. All strings that contain spaces for human-readability are enclosed in quotes in order to aid later import into spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel or Libreoffice Calc. The general format of the text output is described below, followed by a more detailed annotated example.
The general format of the textual output is:
- 1. Header
- Always
- 2. Test initial conditions
- e.g. Date and time of test, initial speed
- 3. Test data output at start speed, end speed, and optionally milestones of either speed or distance in between start and end. The milestones are multiples of 10 of the user-specified units.
- e.g Test output at 60, 50, 40 etc km/h where the user is performing a braketest with km/h set as the speed units and the milestone set to speed.
e.g Test output at 10, 20, 30 etc meters where the user is performing a pull-away test with meters set as the distance units and the milestone set to distance.
- 4. Test final conditions
- e.g. Test distance accuracy estimate, MFDD if valid.
- 5. Footer
- Always either
A more detailed description is given below with the aid of an annotated example:
- This is always the first line output. All subsequent lines are part of this test until either
is output.
"100KPH TO 2K"
- This line contains the configured test name. If no name is configured then this line is omitted.
- This line contains the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.
"13:35:59 GMT"
- This line contains the time of the start of the test, which defaults to GMT time unless the user has configure a timezone within the config software. If the user has configured a non-GMT timezone then this will be reflected in the time (and date if applicable) output, and the string will be adjusted to indicate this; e.g.
"15:35:59 GMT+2"
"0.2s Av initial spd:" 100.16kph
- This is the initial speed averaged over a 0.2s window immediately prior to the start of test.
Speed Dist Time Deviation Accel
- This line contains the headings for the data output at each milestone. For speed milestones, path distance ("dist") and time are always output, and deviation distance and acceleration are optional. For distance milestones speed and time are always output, and deviation distance and acceleration are optional. Note: The milestone acceleration output is the filtered [1] instantaneous longitudinal acceleration at the instant of the milestone, NOT the average acceleration over the interval to the last milestone.
[kph] [m] [s] [m] [m/s/s]
- This line contains the units for the data output. The units used can be configured by the user in the configuration software.
100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.54
- First milestone data output. Here the test was configured to start at 100kph so this line is also a milestone speed, but this may not always be the case, and the instantaneous starting speed is always output as the first line.
90.00 30.96 1.16 -0.21 -4.12
- Data output at milestones of 10 user-configured units.
80.00 44.65 1.74 -1.03 -5.80
70.00 55.22 2.24 -1.66 -5.97
60.00 63.87 2.72 -1.76 -5.56
50.00 70.64 3.16 -1.61 -6.25
40.00 75.89 3.58 -1.50 -6.64
30.00 80.09 4.02 -1.43 -6.27
20.00 83.13 4.46 -1.35 -6.08
10.00 85.22 4.96 -1.27 -5.44
2.00 85.90 5.37 -1.25 -5.50
- Data output at final speed, which in this case is not a milestone (modulo 10) output. The final speed line is always output.
"Dist Acc" 17cm
- Estimated distance accuracy of the test. This is always output in cm regardless of the configured distance units.
"Path Dist" 85.90m
- Path distance from the start of test. Note: If the test started at a non-milestone speed, e.g. from 101kph from a pedal press, then an additional line would be output containing path distance from the first milestone speed passed and the milestone speed value used, e.g.
"Path dist from 100kph 85.90m"
"Direct Dist" 85.85m
- Direct distance from the start of test.
"Dev Dist" -1.25m
- Deviation distance (based on initial heading averaged over 2s immediately prior to the start of test)
"Peak G" -7.49m/s/s
- Peak filtered [1] longitudinal acceleration measured during the test.
"MFDD" 6.13m/s/s "(80-20%)"
- Mean fully developed deceleration as configured by the user. If no valid MFDD is available (e.g. an acceleration test) then this line will read
"MFDD duration" 2.72s
- This line gives the duration in seconds over which the MFDD was calculated. If no valid MFDD is available then this line is omitted.
- Final line giving the end-of-test status. This will always be either
which indicates a test correctly completed with valid data, or "TEST ABORTED"
which indicates a test that could not be correctly completed, and that all the data between "TEST STARTED"
should be disregarded. In the event that the test has been aborted an additional line will be output immediately prior to "TEST ABORTED"
containing the reason the test was aborted. Possible abort reason lines are given below.
"Config msg received"
- In this case the test has been aborted due to the receipt of a configuration message, either from an attached PC or an attached Race Technology device.
"Poor GPS"
- In this case the test has been aborted due to poor GPS reception. This applies only to the SPEEDBOX and not to the SPEEDBOX-INS. The quality of GPS required for test output to be valid with the SPEEDBOX is set fairly high in order to ensure good test data, and hence it may be found that tests always abort when attempted in urban or suburban areas, even when general data output continues. Moving to a test track or clear section of road with an unobstructed sky view will normally fix this issue.
"INS not converged"
- The INS cannot perform testing until it has converged.
"Unexpected halt"
- If the configured test condition is not "to a halt" then any encountered during a test will cause the test to abort. The reason for this is to ensure that the user can always abort any in-advertently started test in progress by halting the vehicle, in order that they can then start the intended test correctly.
"Speed re-armed"
- If the speed goes back above (for a brake test) or below (for an acceleration test) the initial arming threshold then the test will be aborted. E.g. if the unit is configured to perform a braketest from 60 to 2kph, then the unit will initially arm when speed goes above approximately 62.88kph, and the test then starts at the instant that the speed hits 60kph whilst decellerating. If the vehicle then ceases to brake and instead speeds up to above 62.88kph the test is aborted. The reason for this is that often setup driving around the track is required to position the vehicle for a braketest, and it is desireable that any false tests started during this time by the vehicle speed dropping below the test start speed are aborted when the vehicle accelerates above arming speed for the actual brake test.
The non-annotated example as stored in the .SB file was as shown below:
"100KPH TO 2K"
"13:35:59 GMT"
"0.2s Av initial spd:" 100.16kph
Speed Dist Time Deviation Accel
[kph] [m] [s] [m] [m/s/s]
100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.54
90.00 30.96 1.16 -0.21 -4.12
80.00 44.65 1.74 -1.03 -5.80
70.00 55.22 2.24 -1.66 -5.97
60.00 63.87 2.72 -1.76 -5.56
50.00 70.64 3.16 -1.61 -6.25
40.00 75.89 3.58 -1.50 -6.64
30.00 80.09 4.02 -1.43 -6.27
20.00 83.13 4.46 -1.35 -6.08
10.00 85.22 4.96 -1.27 -5.44
2.00 85.90 5.37 -1.25 -5.50
"Dist Acc"
"Path Dist" 85.90m
"Direct Dist" 85.85m
"Dev Dist" -1.25m
"Peak G" -7.49m/s/s
"MFDD" 6.13m/s/s "(80-20%)"
"MFDD duration" 2.72s
[1] SPEEDBOX-INS acceleration is filtered over a 20Hz bandwidth if no output offset has been configured, or a 4Hz bandwidth if an output offset has been configured