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DataFormats / RS232DataFormat

RS232 data format

The RS232 data is transmitted in packets at 115200baud using the standard Race Technology format. Each message consists of a header byte, data bytes, and a checksum byte. The checksum is calculated as the sum of all preceding bytes MOD256.

Accelerometer data

Lateral and longitudinal acceleration - Channel 8, 4 bytes
Data bytes 1 and 2
Lateral acceleration
Format Big endian (raw hex). 15 data bits, 1 sign bit
Signing sign-and-magnitude. First bit (msb) is sign (0 => -ve)
Units g
Scaling Output = g x 256
Example Acc(g) = (byte 1 & 0x&F) + (byte 2 / 256)

if (byte 1 & 0x80) = 0, Acc = -Acc

Data bytes 3 and 4
Longitudinal acceleration
Format All format the same as lateral acceleration above
Vertical Acceleration - Channel 92, 2 bytes
Data bytes 1 and 2
Vertical acceleration
Format All format the same as lateral acceleration above

Gyroscope data

Yaw rate - Channel 79, 2 bytes
Data bytes 1 and 2
Yaw rate
Format Big endian (raw hex), 16 data bits
Signing Unsigned
Units Degrees
Scaling Output=327.68 - degrees x 0.01
Pitch rate - Channel 81, 3 bytes
Data bytes 1 and 2
Pitch rate
Format Big endian (raw hex). 16 data bits
Signing Unsigned
Units Degrees
Scaling Output= 327.68 - degrees X 0.01
Data byte 3
Pitch rate accuracy estimate
Format Big endian (raw hex). 32 data bits
Signing Unsigned
Units Undefined, lower is better
Roll rate - Channel 84, 3 bytes
Data bytes 1 and 2
Roll rate
Format Big endian (raw hex). 16 data bits
Signing Unsigned
Units Degrees
Scaling Output= 327.68 - degrees X 0.01
Data byte 3
Roll rate accuracy estimate
Format Big endian (raw hex). 32 data bits
Signing Unsigned
Units Undefined, lower is better
Page last modified on May 15, 2019, at 01:38 PM