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NMEADataFormat / 7GPGRS


GPS Range Residuals Example: $GPGRS,024603.00,1,-1.8,-2.7,0.3,,,,,,,,,*6C Where:

	GRS		Range residuals
	024603		UTC time of associated GGA fix
	1		Mode	0 = residuals used in GGA
				1 = residuals calculated after GGA
	-1.8		Residual (meters) of satellite 1 in solution
	-2.7		Residual (meters) of satellite 2 in solution
	0.3		Residual (meters) of satellite 3 in solution
	*6C		Checksum

Unused entries are blank, the order matches the PRN number in the GSA sentence

Page last modified on May 11, 2009, at 07:18 PM