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ECUType / PorscheSeimensEMSECU

Siemens EMS SDI 3.1 ECU

Supported Models

  • 997 MK2 GT2
  • 997 MK2 Turbo
  • 997 MK2 Turbo S
  • 997 MK2 Carrera 3.6 Coupè / Cabrio / Targa
  • 997 MK2 S 3.8 Coupè / Cabrio
  • 997 MK2 Carrera 4 3.6 Coupè / Cabrio
  • 997 MK2 Carrera 4 3.8 Coupè / Cabrio / Targa


The location for the ECU is in the boot behind the boot lining.

The connector used for the CAN connections is the A connector

  • Connect the Race Technology CAN high connection to the Yellow/White wire from the connector, this is located on pin 54.
  • Connect the Race Technology CAN Low connection to the Black/White wire from the connector, this is located on pin 41.

Race Technology CAN connections

ECU Configuration

No ECU configuration required.

Channel Listings

ECU name Race Technology message Race Technology Default name Race Technology VAR number Resolution
SM_RPM RPM Engine RPM VAR_0010 1
SM_PPS Aux 1 Throttle Position VAR_2000 0.10%
SM_VEH_SPEED Aux 6 Fuel Inj 1 PW VAR_2005 km/h .1
SM_ECT Temperature 8 Water Temperature VAR_1007 1°C
SM_OIL_T Temperature 9 Oil Temperature VAR_1008 1°C
SM_OIL_P Pressure 2 Oil Pressure VAR_3501 mbar
SM_FUEL_LEVEL Aux 12 Fuel Inj 7 PW VAR_2011 l
SM_STEERANGLE Angle 3 Steering Angle VAR_3002 deg .1
SM_FUEL_TEMP Temperature 25 Aux 1 VAR_1024 1°C
SM_ENGINE_TEMP Aux 13 Fuel Inj 8 PW VAR_2012 1°C
SM_BRAKE_PRESS Aux 14 Fuel Inj 1 cut VAR_2013 1bar
SM_WHSPD_FL Aux 2 Lambda 1 Short Trim VAR_2001 km/h .1
SM_WHSPD_FR Aux 3 Lambda 2 Short Trim VAR_2002 km/h .1
SM_WHSPD_RL Aux 4 Lambda 1 Long Trim VAR_2003 km/h .1
SM_WHSPD_RR Aux 5 Lambda 2 Long Trim VAR_2004 km/h .1

*** Steering angle needs to a user defined channel due none standard signed format.

Equation: if(VAR_2011<0,VAR_2011*-1-3276.7,VAR_2011)

Note - Not all channels listed in the table(s) above may be available from your ECU. This can be dependent on the vehicle model & year of manufacture.

Page last modified on May 13, 2019, at 07:46 PM