Connections to the vehicle wiring harness
Indicators/hazard warning lights
The warning lights for the indicators and hazard lights are activated by applying 12v to Connector1, pins 4 and 13 (left and right indicators, respectively) as identified in Table 1. These should normally be connected directly to the vehicle wiring loom between the indicator switch and the indicator itself.
The brightness of the LEDs will vary depending on the status of the sidelight input. This feature is included to dim the indicator warning lights at night to avoid dazzling the driver, yet allow them to be clearly visible during daylight hours.
Main beam warning light
The main beam warning light is activated when 12v is applied to Connector1, Pin 7, as shown in Table 1. This is usually achieved by connecting to the vehicle wiring loom between the headlight switch and the main beam bulb(s).
Brake warning light
The brake warning light is activated when 0v is applied to Connector1, Pin 11, as shown in Table 1. This is usually achieved by connecting directly to the handbrake warning switch and/or low brake fluid warning switch at the appropriate point in the vehicle wiring harness.
Fog light warning
The fog light warning is activated when 12v is applied to Connector1, Pin 14, as shown in Table 1. This is usually achieved by connecting to the vehicle wiring loom between the fog light switch and the fog light itself.
Alternator charge warning
This warning lamp is illuminated when alternator output is low and the vehicle battery is not being charged. This will be the case when the ignition is turned on but the engine is not running, or if there is an alternator fault. To make use of this feature, Connector 1, Pin 10 should normally be connected to the field/alternator warning terminal on the alternator, via the relevant cable in the vehicle wiring harness.
Sidelight input
The sidelight input is used to alter the brightness of the shift lights and indicator/hazard warning lights. This requires Connector2, Pin 1, as shown in Table 1, to be connected directly into the vehicle wiring loom between the sidelight switch and the sidelights themselves. When the input to this pin is at 0v the shift and indicator/hazard warning lights will be bright, but when the input to this pin is at 12v the shift and indicator/hazard warning lights will be dimmed slightly.
The sidelight input also controls the backlight from firmware version 9.3.0 onwards. The backlight will only be illuminated when this input has 12v applied.
Engine speed input
The engine speed input can be used with the DASH2 in stand alone mode or with a data logger connected, to give an engine RPM input reading. This information is also used in the gear indicator calculation.
This channel requires a 5v or 12v square wave input applied to Connector1, Pin 2, as show in Table 1. IT MUST NOT BE CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO THE IGNITION COIL OR AN INDUCTIVE PICKUP FROM THE HIGH TENSION SIDE OF THE IGNITION SYSTEM. This channel should normally be connected to the engine speed output channel from the engine management ECU.