| 8GB
Analogue Inputs
| 2 external inputs, 0-25v. All inputs are protected and have a 2nd order filter with corner frequency of 105Hz. Accuracy = 0.4% of measured voltage +-20mV. Sample rate 100Hz as standard, 1kHz optional..
Frequency Inputs
| 1 external frequency inputs with a maximum input frequency >2kHz. Triggering voltage requires a low input of <1v and a high input of >4v and 15v maximum.
Ignition In Signal (High Level)
| Designed to connect directly to negative terminal of ignition coil. Can also fire from fuel injectors and from CD ignition systems. Accuracy =0.1%
Ignition In Signal (Low Level)
| Triggering voltage requires a low input of <1v and a high input of >4v and 15v maximum. Suitable for connection directly to most ECU tacho outputs. Maximum input frequency >300Hz. Accuracy = 0.1%
Serial Port 1
| User configurable for messages. Transmission and reception of RT format messages at 115200 baud
CAN Port
| Message reception and transmission up to 1MBit/s
Computer communication
| USB port and wireless modem for reflashing, reading/writing configuration, viewing live data, and downloading files.