Sending Configuration to the DASH4PRO FD
Once all the configuration information has been entered into the configuration software then this information has to be transferred to the DASH4PRO FD unit.
Note: You will require a special connector to connect the DASH4PRO FD to the PC (not shipped with the DASH4PRO FD). For more information please contact Race Technology.
Connect the DASH4PRO FD unit to a COM port on your computer. Ensure that you switch off the device whilst connecting. Connection is made using the adapter supplied by Race Technology on request (if you haven’t got the adapter, please contact Race Technology sales).
1. Turn on the display and check whether it is operating
2. When you are ready, click on the "File -> Write configuration" menu item or toolbar button with the similar functionality. The “Write configuration” dialogue box will be opened.
3. Select the correct serial port number and press the "Send File" button.
When configuration has started DASH4PRO FD's back light will be turned off and DASH4PRO FD display a message Programming...
When configuration is successful the device will display the message “Configuration Success” on screen. When it finishes, the back light will be turned on again, and device comes to its normal display mode.