Common variables
long accel [g]
On any product except the SPEEDBOX INS this is the vehicle's longitudinal acceleration measured directly from the accelerometers (accelerating/breaking g-force)
On the SPEEDBOX INS this is the vehicle longitudinal acceleration neglecting effects of gravity, the differential of the forwards/backwards velocity.
brake flag [-]
the vehicle's longitudinal acceleration flag measured directly from the accelerometers (accelerating/braking indicator)
lat accel [g]
On any product except the SPEEDBOX INS this is the vehicle's lateral acceleration measured directly from the accelerometers (cornering g-force)
On the SPEEDBOX INS this is the vehicle lateral acceleration neglecting effects of gravity, the differential of the lateral velocity.
vector accel [g]
Vector acceleration is the total acceleration calculated by combining the longitudinal and lateral acceleration, note that vertical acceleration is not considered. It is calculated using:
Vector acceleration = square root(lateral * lateral + longitudinal * longitudinal)
vert accel [g]
the vechicle's vertical acceleration
RPM [rpm]
The engine rotational speed
speed [mph]
the vehicle's speed measured by combining the data from the GPS receiver and the accelerometers
wheel speed [mph]
an estimate of the vehicle's speed from a combination of the wheel speed pickups
distance [km]
the distance travelled since the beginning of the run
power output [kW]
an estimate of the vehicles power at the rear wheels calculated from current speed and acceleration
torque output [Nm]
an estimate of the vehicles torque at the rear wheels calculated from current speed/acceleration/RPM
gear [-]
the current gear that the car is in calculated from the current speed and RPM
position X [m]
the current x position relative to the current origin
position Y [m]
the current y position relative to the current origin
time slip rate [%]
the rate of change of time between the current lap time and the best theoretical lap time
change in heading [degs]
the rate of change in the vehicle's heading
corner radius [m]
the current corning radius
lean angle [degs]
the estimate bicycle lean angle calculaed from the turning radius. Assumes tha the COG remains constant