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GPS2 / ConfiguringGSMAndNTRIPSettings

Configuring the GPS2 RTK to use NTRIP corrections over GSM

The GSM and NTRIP settings dialog is only visible when the RTK over GSM operation mode has been selected. An example configuration (working except for fake username and password) is shown below.

GSM Settings

The GSM settings should be configured to match the requirements of your SIM card provider. In many cases it may suffice to leave these all blank (zero for the pin field) since the SIM card will automatically connect to its internally configured APN. These fields would only need to be filled in if your SIM card provider requires any of these fields, in which case your SIM card provider will provide the required details.

NTRIP Settings

In contrast to the GSM settings, it will almost always be necessary to fill in all of the NTRIP settings correctly. These settings should be provided by your NTRIP service provider. A short explanation of a typical configuration is provided below.

NTRIP Caster (Hostname)

This is the URL of the NTRIP service to which you have a subscription, e.g. if you are subscribed to the Topnetlive service in the UK.

NTRIP Caster port number

This is the port on which to connect to the NTRIP service. Port 2101 as shown in the example is fairly typical, but other port numbers may be used. Your NTRIP service provider should tell you which port number to use.

NTRIP User ID and NTRIP Password

These will be provided by your NTRIP service provider. Please note that both the user ID and password are case sensitive.

NTRIP Mount point

Your NTRIP service will typically have a choice of mount points, to potentially cover differing geographic areas, and potentially offering different correction types. You must use a mount point that provides RTCM v3.x corrections. You should discuss with your NTRIP service provider which is the most appropriate mount point to use for your application. The example given is real, but specific to the service illustrated; there is no standard to follow and other services may have different mount point names.
Page last modified on February 27, 2018, at 02:16 PM