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CommandLineSwitches / TriggeredTests

Command line switches for triggered tests

There are five switches to configure the triggered tests.

/Test Configure a single test from the command line. You can specify the test number, custom test name, start and end condition etc.
/TestUnits Configure units for speed, distance and acceleration
/TestOutput Specify ‘single line summery output’ or ‘Detailed output’
/TestResultsTable Configure the results table
/TestVariables Specify which test variables to use

Using /Test parameter to configure a test


  • this parameter is valid only under /FO:PER switch
  • for simplicity you can only specify parameters for a single test from the command line, if you want to run multiple tests on a file, please use multiple command lines.
  • if not specified, then the settings for test 1 will be used as a default


/Test:(Test Number; Custom test Name; start variable number; {<|>}; start value; {BOI_ON|BOI_OFF}; BOI start variable number; {>}; BOI start value; end variable number; {<}; end value; {BOI_ON|BOI_OFF}; BOI end variable number; {<|>}; BOI end value; {TMode_PercentStartSpeed | TMode_Speed}, UThreshold, LThreshold)


/Test:(6; AccelTo160_FordMst; 0; >; 2; BOI_OFF; 0; <; 0; 0; >; 160; BOI_OFF; 0; <; 0, TMode_Speed, 90, 10)

Note: Semi colon character should not be use for the custom test name.

Configuring the units with /TestUnits

Note: if this switch is not specified, then the settings in the software will be used as a default


/TestUnits:({ms |kmh |mph |knots} ; {m | ft} ; {g | mss})


/TestUnits:(kmh; m; g)

Configuring the output with /TestOutput

Note: if not specified then the settings in the software will be used as a default


/TestOutput:([Summery | Detailed])


Above example enable the detailed output.

Configuring Table of Results with /TableOfResults


  • If the parameter is not specified then the settings in the software will be used as a default
  • To disable a table, set the table interval to -1


/TableOfResults: (Table Interval for Speed ; Table Interval For Distance)


/TableOfResults: (10; -1)

Above example:

  • Enable the “Table of results against speed” and sets the table interval to 10
  • Disable the “Table of results against distance” by setting the interval to -1

Adding Test Variables with /TestVariables


  • If this switch is not used in the command line, the settings in the software will be used as a default.
  • Only the specified test variables (arguments) are used for processing.


/TestVariables:( [TotalTestTime];   [FwdDistance2D];   [FwdDisntance3D];   [DevDistance2D];  [DirectDistance2D];   [DirectDistance3D];   [PathDistance2D];   [PathDistance3D];   [MaxLongAccel];   [MinLongAccel];   [MaxLatAccel];   [MinLatAccel];   [AvgLongAccelOverTest];   [MFDD];   [InstStartSpeed];   [StartSpeedAvgOverBeforeTest];   [IntialHeadingTakenBeforeTest];   [EndOfTestSpeed];   [TestStartTime];   [EstDistanceAccuracy] )

the fourth parameter, Deviation distance 2D is not specified in the following example.

/TestVariables:( TotalTestTime; FwdDistance2D; FwdDisntance3D;   ; DirectDistance2D; DirectDistance3D; PathDistance2D; PathDistance3D; MaxLongAccel; MinLongAccel; MaxLatAccel; MinLatAccel; AvgLongAccelOverTest; MFDD; InstStartSpeed; StartSpeedAvgOverBeforeTest; IntialHeadingTakenBeforeTest; EndOfTestSpeed; TestStartTime; EstDistanceAccuracy )

Page last modified on May 24, 2016, at 11:44 AM