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LapTimingGuide / AddingMarkersFromADashboard

Adding track markers whilst on the track from a Dashboard.

As an alternative to defining track markers using the Analysis Software and then transferring them onto the memory card, it is also possible to define track markers from any of RT’s dashboard products. At the time of writing this includes the DASH1, DASH2 and DASH3.

To do this the first thing you need to do is define a button (or combination of buttons) to add the lap marker.

  • Information about how to do this on a DASH1 is available here
  • Information about how to do this on a DASH2 is available here
  • Information about how to do this on a DASH3 is available here

Once this is done then whilst on the track you can simply press the button on the dash to add a track marker. However, there are a few things to be aware of when doing this:

  • You must have a “good” GPS lock
  • The VIDEO4 or DL1 must be logging, not in “standby”
  • There is a minimum distance between markers of about 10m. If you try to place markers closer than this the request will be ignored.

When you add a track marker, you will get feedback to confirm that it was added successfully. In the case of the DASH3, if the request to add a lap marker fails then the reason is displayed.

It is also important to note that there is no facility to remove track markers once they are added. This is another reason why if possible it is typically better to arrange all the track markers using the Analysis Software before the session.

Setting up a DASH1 to display lap times

No user action required. Lap times are displayed automatically on the DASH1. The only option is whether to disable or enable predictive lap timing. More information is available here. The user can also select how long to display lap/sector times after passing a track marker, before reverting to normal display

Setting up a DASH2 to display lap times

Lap times are configured from the menu system of the DASH2, not the PC configuration software. The menu allows you to set up what lap time information is displayed on the screen. More information is available here.

Setting up a DASH3 to display lap times

Lap timing is far more configurable on the DASH3 and there is a wider choice of lap timing statistics available. The default layout that comes on the DASH3 displays the most common lap timing statistics, but the user is free to configure them to their particular requirements. Since there are more options on the DASH3 with regards lap timing, it must be done from the PC configuration software. The layout is configured with the DASH3 configuration software and then this configuration is transferred to the DASH3 by placing the configuration file on the compact flash card.

More information on how to do this is available here:

And there is more information about the PC configuration software here

Setting up a VIDEO4 to display lap times

As for the DASH3, the VIDEO4 can be configured to display any combination of lap timing statistics as required. The VIDEO4 comes preconfigured with a layout that includes some simple lap timing. Alternatively, when you install the software there are more example layouts included that can be loaded onto the VIDEO4. It is relatively simple to customise the layout to your exact requirements using the VIDEO4 configuration program. The actual lap timing statistics available are identical to the DASH3, as listed here

Information about how to use the VIDEO4 configuration software is included here

Information about how to transfer this new configuration to the VIDEO4 is included here

Page last modified on April 29, 2019, at 08:21 AM