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AdvancedOverlayEditor / IFFunctionEquationsAndAddingLimitStops

IF function equations and adding limit stops

One commonly used equation is the if function. An if function follows the following format:


Less than <, more than > and = equals can be used to define the conditions.

Below are two main uses for these equations:

1. Using a variable with an if function equation
2. Limit Stops

1. Using a variable with an if function equation

An if function can be used to turn on/off a control using the following example:

In the “Alpha” box 255 is fully visible, 0 is hidden. 127 is 50% transparency. An if function can be used to turn on/off an image with this example equation:


This example shows a digital display that displays the lap number (VAR_7004) for 10 seconds after crossing the lap marker:

Using alpha and the time into lap (VAR_0060) variable. When time into lap is under 10 seconds the lap counter will be visible for the first few seconds of the new lap.

The equation is if(VAR_0060<10,255,0)

The lap counter variable (to display) is VAR_7004

2. Limit Stops

An if function can be used to add an end limit to a control like a speedometer so if the speed exceeds for example 260 then the needle stops at 260. An example equation structure is shown here:


So for the example in Step by step guide to designing a simple overlay, the equation is:


So to add a limit stop, so the needle stops rotating at a speed of 260 (210 degrees) that would be:


Note: It is critical to get the brackets correct. If the equation does not work, check there are no missing or extra brackets.

Page last modified on June 29, 2021, at 02:12 PM