ADAS Testing and 2cm GNSS


Adding an RT CONNECT to a Race Technology system upgrades the standard positional accuracy to 2-3cm, and allows equipment such as the SPEEDBOX-INS and CATS systems to be used for many more applications, including:

  • Driving Robot Input
  • Lane Deviation Tracking
  • Target Tracking
  • Driver Assistance Development and End-of-Line Testing (ADAS)
  • Driverless Vehicle Research and Development
Guide to choosing a base station

What are the pros and cons of absolute positioning and relative positioning?

Permanent installation or temporary installation?



Application Documents:

ADAS End-of-line and AEB Testing

Application note illustrating and example ADAS testing system, a typical procedure and the benefits of the system. A video demonstration is shown in the video below:


Quicksync Video Licence - Automatically synchronised GoPro video