Controls in Monitor not displayed correct?!

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Controls in Monitor not displayed correct?!

Postby KBL » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:39 pm

Why does it look like this?
All controls, except the first are solid color, no images, like a steering wheel for example?
I'm pretty sure that it did not look like this when i first installed the SW package, v7, when I started to look at RT products end of last year (...I think).


Have a nice wekend! :D

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Postby Turby » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:29 pm

It sounds like an installation problem to me regarding the 3rd party ActiveX instrument library. I can only suggest a complete un-install and then re-install of V7.

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Postby KBL » Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:20 am

I have uninstalled and installed it and the above is the result!

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Postby faraday » Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:25 am

Have you right clicked on the control and played with various "properties"?

If not, give it a try.
If you can't change the appearance, there is definitely a problem.

What version have you installed?

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Postby KBL » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:29 am

I have unsinstalled and installed several times.
I have removed "all" entrieds in the register.
I have installed it from the supplied CD, and from downloaded files.
I have tried whith and without firewall and antivirus deactivated.
I have tried it on my childrens computers. All together 3 PC and 3 laptops.
I have tried it on WIN2000, XP Professional and Home Edition (, no Vista :-).
I have tried with English and Swedish versions.
I have tried with the latest (7.2.49), and older versions!
I have played around with properties, but nothing.
They all behave the same. Funny thing is that all Alphanumeric does look good!?
Anyone out there who have experiensed the same thing...
It's probably something simple, but I can't see it...

I'm going insane...

Edit: Yes I'm, admin on all computers.

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Postby faraday » Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:47 am

I'm sure I am not alone in feeling sorry for you.
Monitor is a nice feature when it works. My most trying experience with it has been locating the appropriate COM port when using a USB adaptor.

Other aspects of R-T software have induced psychotic behaviour in me, however.


It is probably something to do with your favourite brand of beer.
Might I suggest sticking to spirits?

KBL does indeed need help

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Postby KBL » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:26 pm

...and the story continues!

Thanks' for the sympathy.
I'll probably try all the brands I can get my hands on!

Now I'm harassing my co-workers, convincing them to install the RT software. To my surprise (...NOT) they all experience the same problem.

If they trying to start Monitor after a fresh installation (none of them have had RT installed before) they get the following...

(An important system file cannot be found. Please uninstall and re-install)

I don't know how many times I have done just that, uninstall and re-install!

...after clicking "OK" Monitor starts and then freezes. The only way to terminate the application is in the Task Manager...


Okay, if they now start and exit Analyses, and then try Monitor again, at least it will start, but only some of the Controls will display correct, just like before!

Does it make sense, not to me!
Since we have it on several computers I'm convinced that it's a RT software problem!

Would be nice to have a comment from RT!

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Postby faraday » Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:57 pm

Have you tried "Support" on the web menu?

Faster response is frequently available from RT-USA. Perhaps they've noticed this thread and are stumped as well. Al doesn't miss much.



Postby Support » Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:26 pm


That an odd one - I've not had that reported before.

There are a few things to check:

- make sure you uninstall using our uninstall utility, not just the windows uninstall as this doesn't remove all the files

- make sure that you install with supervisor privileges

- once you install make sure that you run the analysis program first as this sets up a number of important files

If none of these help, please get back to me (via the support ticketing thing) and I'll do some more investigation.

Kind regards,


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Postby KBL » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:19 pm

Hi Andy,

Thanks' for the replay!

The new thing was that I hade to start Analysis first after an intsllation, otherwise nothing that I have not tried, but I did it any way so I could say to you "Yepp, tried that one..." :D

I have also sent you some feedback vi the support ticketing thing.

Have a nice weekend!


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Postby Turby » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:54 am

Just a thought, I've had issues in the past when installing to drives other than C: before, are you installing to drive C: ?.

Also you wouldn't happen to have another application installed which uses the same ActiveX controls by GMS ? I can see this causing a conflict especially if different versions are used.

What is in your \Windows\System32\Gms folder ?

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Postby KBL » Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:25 am

Thanks' Turby, now we are getting somewhere...

I have only 23 files in my c:\windows\system32\GMS;


...and Monitor consits of 36 controls, right.
I wounder why the rest is not installed!?

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Postby Turby » Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:39 am

mmm I've got 23 controls listed in that folder but mine works.... :?

Can you find any entries to these controls in the registry ?


also search for registry for data values containing "C:\windows\system32\gms"

When you un-install are there any of registry entries hanging around ? If so you could try deleting them and then try a fresh install.

I have no idea what registry entries the RT "full" uninstaller finds and removes.

Naturally you try all this at your own risk

Not that it helps you, but the software company I work for has tried to use 3rd party controls in the past for an application, and we had nothing but hassles supporting them similar to this - we ended up writing our own native (non "COM" based) "controls" so we could be 100% in control. :shock:

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Postby KBL » Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:54 pm

Thank you for the lightning fast responds!

F*ck, I thought we were on to something!
I could find HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AGAUGE.AGaugeCtrl.1 but not the other one!
I uninstalled everything (...again) with the Clear registry flag ticked.
After I checked for occurance of GMS and RaceTechnologyV7 in the register and deleted the ones that were there (~4 entries).
I check for GMS- and RaceTechnology-folders, nothing.
I rebooted and installed latest version.
Before starting Monitor I started and exited Analysis.
Unfortenatly I have the same result as before!



Postby Support » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:27 pm

This is a weird one.... (technical term meaning I'm not sure what's going on)

Are you loading in the default.mon file that is supplied, or is this your own layout? If it is your own, can you email it to me so I can check it here please?

andrew at race-technology dot com

The only other thing I can think of is to email over a really simple application that uses the same controls to see if that runs okay... and "build it up" from there.

It "feels" like an installation issue of some sort... i.e. a missing DLL or something similar, but I'm not sure what yet.


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