Test procedure

Pass-by Noise testing

The Race Technology R51/R51 pass-by noise system produces results following the R41/R51 test procedure and produces accurate and repeatable results giving a final pass/fail result compared against the limits of the test procedure. Passing the test is required by vehicle manufactures to get the ECE approval to allow the legal import, sale and use of the vehicle
The R41/R51 pass-by noise procedure require both WOT (wide open throttle) tests and constant speed tests to be performed. The overall result is AUTOMATICALLY calculated using results from both tests and a partial power factor which is calculated based on the performance of the vehicle.

Wide open throttle test

When the front of the vehicle reaches AA', the throttle shall be fully engaged and held fully engaged until the rear of the vehicle reaches BB'. The throttle shall then be returned as quickly as possible to the idle position. A typical test requires to hit PP line at 50KPH (+/- 1KPH). Due to this tight tolerance it is often trial and error testing to get the correct entry speed. The system offers instant feedback to driver/rider of the test on the DASH4 display enabling rapid testing.




The data is combined from the system, vehicle, sound meters and weather station in our performance monitor software and individual test results are recorded and displayed. Once all testing is complete the tests can be exported into a supplied excel report which combines all the tests into the final result.