Fuel Flow sensor Spare Jets

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Fuel Flow sensor Spare Jets

Postby Colin105 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:45 pm

I've misplaced the little plastic jets that came with the Fuel Flow sensor, are they available as a separate part? failing that are the dimensions available so i can turn up a suitable replacement on a lathe?
You only need 2 things in your tool box, duct tape and WD40.
-if it moves and it shouldn't use the duct tape
-if it doesn't move and it should use the WD40

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Re: Fuel Flow sensor Spare Jets

Postby racetec » Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:58 pm

I'm very sorry - but these are not available as a spare part, and whilst you could turn a replacement that would work just fine you would need to re-calibrate the sensor. Its not just the hold size that is a factor, its also the profile.


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