Connectors for common 12V/GND

Posts: 133
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:22 pm

Connectors for common 12V/GND

Postby CharlesElliott » Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:40 pm

Given that I want to connect a number (say 6) sensors to my DL1 and that I want to ensure they all have a common 12V/GND feed, has anyone found a suitable connector/busbar that allows that easily? I don't think that trying to shove 6 wires into the DL1 GND will work very well!

How else have people physically wired up multiple sensors?


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Postby RTUSA » Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:05 pm

For a semi permanent installation, I really like the Posi-Lock series of connectors (assuming you are in the US).

One undocumented trick with Posi-Lock is that some of the larger gauge connectors can be "hybridized" with smaller gauge, making multi>one connections neater.

Or use a terminal strip or box, or solder and shrink tube.
Al Seim
Race Technology USA

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