Impossible to log more than 16 Mo (50 minutes)

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Impossible to log more than 16 Mo (50 minutes)

Postby jcserres » Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:57 am


I've been using a DL1 with a Kingston 128Mo CF card since August 2004.
My DL1 had worked well with this card during more than one year.

Now, it is impossible to log more than approximately 16 Mo (50 minutes) :
- When the card is formated (empty), the DL1 logs properly,
- After 50 minutes logging, the DL1 stops logging,
- The "Status" light is still flashing,
- But it's impossible to resume logging : When I press the Start/Stop button, the "logging" light comes on only a tenth of a second, the logging starts and stops immediately, and a 0 Ko file is created.
- Then, the only way to make it log again is to format again the CF card on my PC.

For information :
- My DL1 is one of the firsts released (08/2004), and I've never reflashed it,
- I've tried with another CF card and the same problem occurs.
- The CF cards I use support 2.5 Mo/sec writting rate.

Thanks for your help,


Posts: 150
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:13 pm

Postby disquek » Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:21 pm

In an endurance race I ran last year, I had no issues recording data from a 94 minute session . The file from that session was about 30meg.

My DL1 had firmware revision 4-2. I have a SanDisk 512meg CF card.

Maybe a reflash will help?


Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:06 am
Location: France

Postby jcserres » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:33 am

I've relashed my DL1 with the V6 firmware, and now it seems that the problem is fixed (the DL1 has properly logged more than 20 Mo yesterday).



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