Backup current settings from Dash Pro 2

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Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2022 11:01 am

Backup current settings from Dash Pro 2

Postby Slimat » Mon Feb 14, 2022 9:36 am

Hi All

I'm sure this is simple and think I know the answer - but would just like someone to let me know this is correct... before I try it :-)

I have bought a race car which has a Dash Pro 2 installed and setup. I want to take a backup of the current settings, before I tinker, so I can restore the current settings if I need to.

When I connect my laptop and start the software a prompt pops up with 3 options and I cant do anything unless I select one...

1. Load last configuration
2. Load saved configuration
3. Load standard factory configuration

I assume 2 loads a saved config file from the laptop in order to re-flash it back to the Dash Pro 2. Option 3 I guess resets the Dash Pro 2 to its factory defaults and therefore option 1 downloads the current configuration from the Dash Pro 2 to the laptop when it can then be saved in order to restore it if needed.

I query this beacause, to me, the terminology also sounds like it COULD upload the last configuration set in the software back to the Dash Pro 2 - thus overwriting, and losing, the current configuration!

If anyone is able to confirm exacty how to download the current Dash configuration to my laptop and save it I would be very grateful.

Many thanks

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Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:09 pm

Re: Backup current settings from Dash Pro 2

Postby Support » Mon Feb 14, 2022 10:52 am

The options below just load in the PC software. They do not communicate with the dash so you can select any one.

When you have opened the software you need to click "read configuration". This will load the current settings from the dash which you can then save as your backup copy.
Posted by Race Technology Support

Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2022 11:01 am

Re: Backup current settings from Dash Pro 2

Postby Slimat » Mon Feb 14, 2022 2:29 pm

Great, thanks for the advice... I was worried about accidentally erasing the current configuration on the dash.

I'll try to download current settings now :)

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