run to text converter

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run to text converter

Postby Colin105 » Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:15 am

When i use the Run to Text utility to convert a run file to a csv i only get basic data in columns,

time [s],long accel [g],brake flag [-],lat accel [g],vector accel [g],RPM [rpm],speed [mph],wheel speed [mph],distance [km],power output [kW],position X [m],position Y [m],time slip [s],time slip rate [%],corner radius [m],Video frame [-],GPS pos acc [-],SIM speed [mph],SIM time slip [s],SIM time slip rate [%]

when i export the same run file useing the same variables file out of the analysis software all the logged signals are exported correctly, should there be any difference between these 2 methods of creating a csv file or am i doeing something wrong with the run to text utility?

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