Parallels and Analisys 8.5 inatalation error

Modena F1
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Parallels and Analisys 8.5 inatalation error

Postby Modena F1 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:20 pm

I write this post beacause I noticed an installation error when I try to install the v. 8.5 analisys latest update software.
When the istaller program try to write un DVD Burn directory, it appears a error message that shows:

Error 1303. The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory...
Log on as administrator"

When I try to install , I am logged as administrator, and I saw that I have not privileges to write in:
C:\ Program Files (x86)\RaceTechnologyV8.5\DVD Burn

Also I can not delete this directory because I am not the owner, and I can not change the owner.

So, I need that you tell me how can I solve this problem




Postby Support » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:47 am

Hi Josep,

Please change the permissions of the RaceTechnologyV8.5 folder and try the install again.

1. Restart the Windows in safe mode and log in as administrator.

2. Open the "Program Files (x86)" folder

3. Right click on the RaceTechnologyV8.5 folder and select Properties

4. Navigate to the "Security" tab

5. Give "System" and "Users" Full control permission

6. Restart Windows normally and log in as administrator. Please try the setup again.

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