Suspension Potentiometer Calibration

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Joined: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:04 am

Suspension Potentiometer Calibration

Postby tum53 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:58 am


Please can someone tell me how to calibrate a linear potentiometer to measure stroke length in mm at 1000hz.

I have connected the sensor to Analogue input 2 and can see the 0-5v change. I would like to convert this to mm, but if I try and enter an equation, a message comes up saying:"Please note that you cannot use a formula or filtering on a channel when running at above 1000hz".

When logging at 1000hz are the calculations done within the Analysis program, rather than setting them initially in the configuration utility?

Thanks Andrew


Postby Support » Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:08 am

Yes that is the situation. To log the channels at faster than 100Hz there isn't time to do all of the calculations which can be done at slower speed, so the raw voltage is logged and any processing must be done on the display or in the Analysis software.


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