DL1 Club auto record GoPro and charging issue

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DL1 Club auto record GoPro and charging issue

Postby DIGGIDY » Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:48 am


I've wired up and configured my DL1 Club to auto record my GoPro Hero 3 (using one button mod) through a wired cable to the 30 pin BUS connector, this by itself works perfectly when the logging is enabled by the external remote button I also configured.

Whilst I was making the cable I also wired up the GoPro to charge the battery when the ignition was turned on, this power being supplied by a regulated 5v supply and limited with a 1a diode for added protection from surging. For some strange reason when the ignition is turned on the the GoPro immediately turns on and starts recording, without the logging button for my DL1 being pushed ?? When I bench tested the GoPro cable power being applied to charge the battery didn't start the GoPro recording until triggered by the button, so why would start recording on ignition when connected to the DL1 ?? The DL1 is powered up on ignition too, this too uses its own separate regulated 12v supply to avoid surge on cranking, not that is makes much difference to this, just background info.

For now I have disable the charging side of it, so it works as expected with the external logging switch.

The GoPro BUS connector cable is wired thus.

PIN 1 Ground (pin 1/30 joined)
PIN 5 = input 5v+ (pin 5/6 joined)
PIN 6 = input 5v+ (pin 5/6 joined)
PIN 12 = One button mode, trigger to ground via DL1 pin Analogue 11
PIN 30 Ground (pin 1/30 joined)

The DL1 pins for my external logging button and GoPro are

A8 = start/stop logging switch (push to make, momentary switch from 12v)
A11 (output driver 3) = GoPro status trigger
A12 (output driver 4) = Logging Status indicator (illuminated start/stop logging switch)

Any clues as to why this isn't working as expected ?


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