V8.5 Software iquestion

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V8.5 Software iquestion

Postby lotus7 » Sun Aug 15, 2021 4:06 pm

I have re downloaded and reinstalled V8.5 software again, although I have been using it for a long time
I do not have V10 installed at all
This so that I can continue to use my substantial Run database files - Been using my trusty DL1 Mk 2 for years and it still logs perfectly and comprehensively
In 2018 I installed a Dash 2 with V10.0 firmware . Updated my SETUP.BIN in the DL1 M2 with the legacy software in main V8,5 menu but configured Dash2 with Race Technology software , also in the main menu of V8.5
Never had a problem with logging or the Dash2 displaying my configured setup
Now 3.5 years later , I start losing display , at the start of last race , Dash displayed perfectly . Lap 5 , I lost all display except Revcounter , the right hand (large ) of the 3 set up screens , the shift lights worked perfectly as did the logger indicator light .
After downloading the logged file on Analysis, all variables were logged as it has been since I installed the DL1 M2

Support had suggested that I can't run legacy on the old Dl1 Mk2 and V10 Configuration on the Dash2 - This set up worked perfectly for 3.5 years
Will upgrading to a DL2 Sport resolve this or is my DASH2 problematic / giving up the ghost

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